August 2020 Agenda

Notice is hereby given that the Parish Council Meeting will be held in at Burton Estate Club on 11th August 2020 at 7.00pm. Your attendance at such meeting is hereby requested to transact the following business:-




7.00 pm Public Question Time - When members of the public may ask questions or make short statement to the council followed by  Full Council Meeting.


1. Apologies for Absence


 2. Declarations of Interest  in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: Code of Conduct and any dispensations that may arrise.


3.  Minutes for Approval of previous meeting dated 3 March 2020


4. Reports from District Councillors, County Councillors and Police


5. Clerk’s Report – Including Correspondence and Matters Outstanding             


6. Finance

(a) To accept payments made since the last meeting

(b) To record the Parish bank balance

(c)  To agree Final Accounts 2019/2020

(d) To accept and sign annual audit 2019/2020

(e) Agree Precept                     


7. Highways

Village Sign

Funding for Speed signs IGAS Energy Community Fund


8. Planning Matters

141392 Lodge Farm

14094   Burton Waters

141152 Land South of Burton cliff


9. Wreath


10. Christmas Tree


11. Insurance


Caroline Emerson

Clerk to Burton-by-Lincoln Parish Council