May 2019 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held in Burton Estate Club on Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7.00pm  Your attendance at such meeting is hereby requested to transact the following business:


7.00 pm Public Question Time - When members of the public may ask questions or make short statement to the council followed by the Full Council Meeting.


1. Election of Chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of Office


2.  Election of Vice Chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of Office


3. Apologies for Absence      


4.  Declarations of Interest  in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: Code of Conduct and any dispensations that may arrise.


5. Minutes for Approval of previous meeting dated 5th March 2018


6. Reports from District Councillors, County Councillors and Police


7. Clerk’s Report – Including Matters Outstanding         



8. To agree Final Accounts for 2018/2019


9. To accept and sign Annual Audit for 2018/2019


10. To accept payments made since the last meeting


12. To review the council’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders and Code of Conduct


13. To review the Council’s Risk Assessment


14. To review the Council’s Asset Register


15. To appoint an Internal Auditor for the year 2019/2020



16. To accept insurance provider for 2019/2020


17. Planning Matters

Application Number 139024 Change of Use Swimming Pool The Waterhouses Response and  addendum Submitted

Application Number 139055 Permanent Air Dome Burton Waters

Application Number 138616 Certificate of Lawfulness Odder Response Submitted

Application Number 138943 Burton Hill House Response submitted.                                   


18. Highways

Speed Reduction Signs (Update)                                     


19. Membership Renewal



Date of next meeting  9th July 2019


Caroline Emerson

Clerk to Burton-by-Lincoln Parish Council  May 2019