September 2018 Minutes

Minutes Of Burton-By-Lincoln Council Meeting Held On Tuesday 18th September 2018 At Burton Estate Club At 7.00 Pm


Present: Cllr Marriott, Cllr North, Cllr Hepburn, Cllr Copeland

In attendance: Cllr Brockway

Mrs C Emerson Clerk


Public Question Time

One Member of the Public attending but no questions raised


59/18 Apologies For Absence Were Received From

Apologies had been received from Cllr Vine, Cllr Platts and Cllr Cotton


60/18 Declarations Of Interest In Accordance With Localism Act 2011 And Any Dispensations That May Arise

Non Pecuniary Interests:  Cllrs Bell, Vine, Cllr North and Cllr Platts and Copeland as members of the Burton Estate Club. Cllrs Vine, Cllr Marriott, as member and of the Burton Waters Residents Association and Secretary of Burton Waters Resident Group.Cllr Marriott, and Cllr North as subscribers to the Burton Church Lottery Fund. Cllrs Marriott as shareholders in the Burton Waters Leaseholders Company. Cllr Hepburn is a non-stipendiary assistant curate in the Diocese of Lincoln; Cllr North is Treasurer for Burton VCC and a member of Burton VCC lottery committee, Company secretary for the community intelligence group, Cllr North Treasurer to Sprinline PCC.


61/18 Minutes Of Previous Meeting Of Tuesday 18th July 2018

It was proposed by Cllr Copeland and seconded by Cllr North to accept the minutes of the last meeting.

It was Resolved to accept the minutes as a true copy of the meeting .All in favour


62/18 Report From District Councillors, County Councillors

Cllr Brockway reported;-               

The Highways department had produced a major report outlining how they worked which was a valuable insight.

However, despite reports the North Hykeham relief road was a long way from implementation.

Lincolnshire County Council’s ICT problems were now resolved and despite suffering financial loss SERCO  is to remain as the contract partner for the next four years. They have accepted responsibility and want to move forward.

Police Community Support Officers are to receive extra powers but concern is raised that this a way of policing without fully qualified officers.

LCC have purchased 33000 extra enforcement hours county wide.

Potholes have been mended on a large scale so hopefully the roads are at a better level.

Grass Waste from the verges is being recycled but Highways may need a waste licence.

“Fix my Street” is the new reporting system.   

Crime Report

Cllr North presented the crime report there was a reference to theft of a mobile telephone, TV screen damage and tyre damage at Burton Waters.


63/18 Clerks Report Including Matters Arising

The Clerk reported;-

The yew hedges had caused concern and the owners had kindly trimmed them.

There were  still no Minutes available of the United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust available  for 27 July 2018.



64/18 To Accept Payments Made Since The Last Meeting 10th July 2018

Financial Payments

24th July Clerk Salary - £175.08

24th July HMRC - £43.80

16th August Burton Estate Club - £250.00

16th August Clerk Salary - £175.08

16th August HMRC - £43.80

12th September Clerk Salary - £175.08

12th September HMRC - £43.80

Balance as at 18th September 2018   £14,433.04

Proposed by Cllr Marriott and Seconded by Cllr Copeland  to accept the information and sign the financial record as presented it was Resolved to accept, All in favour               


65/18 Precept

The clerk reported that forms had now been sent by WLDC. The budget report had been considered at the previous meeting. As the account was very comfortable it was agreed to apply for the lower figure of £5,000.00. It was proposed by Cllr Copeland and seconded by Cllr Marriott. Resolved All in favour    


66/ 18 Burton waters Bus Shelter

The clerk reported that she had been advised that the WLDC Transport Grant was now payable despite it being in retrospect. Therefore the outstanding balance was £578.80 on the figures sent by Banks & Long.

It was reported by Cllr Marriott that Banks & Long had to satisfy the requirements of LCC  and that they had worked hard to obtain the cheapest quotes. However, Cllr Copeland wished to record his concern that the costs were in excess of what should have been paid. It was proposed by Cllr North to pay the £578.80 towards the bus shelter. This was seconded by Cllr Hepburn. Resolved in favour by majority vote.

Cllr Copeland wished to record he had voted against the proposal.  


67/18 Highways

a) Verges It was agreed that the growing season was now over and the second cut had happened and it would be monitored next year to see if a third cut was necessary.

b) It was agreed that the SID post was what was required. It was proposed by Cllr North and seconded by Cllr Marriott to pay the £40.00 survey fee and invite Graeme Butler to attend the parish. The radar gun would be separately approached. The response on the  had been completed but as there were various options it was agreed to return the form with the request for a survey.            


68/18 Remembrance Wreath

It was agreed a Remembrance Wreath would be obtained direct from The British Legion.


69/18 Christmas Tree

Cllr North proposed and Cllr Copeland seconded that T. Russon was again approached to erect the Christmas Tree at the Burton Estate Club.


70/18 Planning Matters

137895 Change of Use A3 to B1 Granted

138056 Medical Facility Response submitted supporting the application        

137729 The Waterhouse  Granted.

137326 Hillside Cottages. Application refused . Appeal lodged. Responses submitted

(Cllr North reported she had investigated the attendance of the Inspector but he was acting appropriately in only advising WLDC and the Applicant of the visit.)

It was discussed that the way in which The Waterhouse application was granted caused concern and it was agreed that an email should be sent to WLDC expressing disquiet over the process and that  the current investigation of a business being undertaken at the premises had taken so long.


71 /18 Wellhead

It was reported that as privately owned repairs could not be supported. However, it would be investigated as to whether it could be listed


72/18 Estate Club Bulb

The film projector was too old and the film nights were all open to the community. It was therefore agreed that following completion of the forms a grant should be applied for a replacement.


 Meeting ended at 8.30pm Next Meeting Tuesday 13th November 2018 at Burton Estate Club    7.00pm


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting